بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم


American University of the Caribbean

School of Medicine

St. Maarten, Netherlands Antilles

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First Semester Books

What books do I need for first semester?

It depends on how you learn best. Some students are fine with the lecture slides. Some students read review books. Some students read textbooks. Some students make their own notes. Some students listen to recorded lectures. Some students use computer programs that throw questions at you.

Some students use an illustrated atlas. Some students use a photographic atlas. Some students use a computerized atlas.

If you do not wish to purchase your books in advance, or if you simply want to start the courses first before deciding which books you need, AUC has a book sale the first week of class where students sell their used books.

All books are available in the AUC library for checkout.


Certain segments are taught from this book, a review book that covers most of the information in the course.

This is the textbook.

Gross Anatomy

Buy this book and bring it with you.

This is a great reference textbook if you have the time to read it.

Gross Anatomy Lab

The most popular atlas used by AUC students.

The second most popular atlas used by AUC students. The advantage of this atlas is that it is composed of photographs of actual dissections.

A radiographic atlas will help you if you are having any difficulties reading radiographs.


This is the only book you need for the course.


This is the only book you need for the course.

The author of this book is also the professor who teaches embryology at AUC.