بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
American University of the Caribbean
School of Medicine
St. Maarten, Netherlands Antilles
اداب عرض ہے
The publisher of englishtafsir.com was once a medical student. While he was a medical student, he briefly served as president of the muslim students association and published the following website to promote the group. At the time, it was hosted at aucmsa.com. After completing his studies on St. Maarten, the publisher transferred website control to his colleagues, who opted not to maintain a website. The current AUC MSA has a presence on Facebook, and all inquiries concerning the current group should be addressed there. The following presentation is the original aucmsa website as of January 2007. All information is accurate as of that date only.
Mailing Address
Muslim Students Association
American University of the Caribbean School of Medicine
1 University Drive at Jordan Road
Cupecoy, Lowlands
Sint Maarten, Netherlands Antilles
اداب عرض ہے (Urdu: Hello / regards to you)