بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم


American University of the Caribbean

School of Medicine

St. Maarten, Netherlands Antilles

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خوش آمدید

General Information for Incoming Students

Where is St. Maarten?

Click on the map for a larger view.

St. Maarten Tourist Information

Where on St. Maarten is the AUC campus?

The AUC campus is located in Cupecoy on the Dutch side.

Google Maps

How do I get to St. Maarten?

By airplane.

Princess Juliana International Airport (SXM) in Maho is served by American, Continental, Delta, United, US Airways, Air France, and Koninklijke Luchtvaart Maatschappij, commonly known as KLM.

The beautiful new terminal was opened by Her Majesty Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands on November 10, 2006.

Australian TV commercial

Can I come to St. Maarten by yacht?

Yes, just dock it in the marina next to the others. If you decide to live on your yacht and commute to school, the drive is about ten minutes. The Summit Resort adjacent to AUC has a boat dock, so you cold commute by jet ski or other watercraft. Then again, if you can afford a yacht, you can afford a helicopter.

What do I need with me at the immigration desk?

St. Maarten immigration requires the following:

A valid passport.

A completed landing card. Your airline will give you a blank landing card during your flight to fill out. It would be wise to carry a pen with you when you travel.

Proof of a roundtrip ticket. You cannot purchase a one-way ticket to St. Maarten.

Your AUC acceptance letter.

How far is the airport from the AUC campus?

Two miles.

How much does a taxi cost from the airport to the AUC campus?


This is a fixed rate set by the government.

Could you pick me up from the airport?

کیا آپ میرئ مدد کر سَکتےہیں؟

Of course. Just send us an email with the necessary details. Upon arrival, will pick you up from the airport, take you to the AUC campus, help you move into your dormitory or apartment, take you grocery shopping, take you to the masjid, buy you a shwarma, and help you with any difficulties you may have during your transition.

All you have to do is ask.


The US Dollar is the de facto currency on the Dutch side.

The Euro is used on the French side. However, most French-side businesses will accept the US Dollar at an exchange rate of $1.25 = €1.00. Gasoline on the French side is sold at an an exchange rate of $1 = €1.

The Dutch side has a de jure currency called the guilder (Netherlands Antilles Florin), which is hardly ever used by anyone. However, stores sometimes price their goods in guilders, so it is wise to know the exchange rate of $1.00 = Naf 1.75.

On St. Maarten, do people drive on the right or the left?

On St. Maarten, we drive on the right.

What is the cost of gasoline?

$1.00 per litre.

$3.78 per gallon.


أنا عطشان

There is a desalination plant on St. Maarten and the water is safe to drink.

Even so, we drink bottled or filtered water.

The filter pitcher costs $25 (Naf 45) and the replacement cartridges cost $8 (Naf 14) each.

Sales Tax

There is no sales tax on St. Maarten.


120 Volts / 60 Hertz. The same as in the United States.

The electrical outlets are the same as those in the United States. No converter is necessary.

A surge protector is recommended for use with sensitive electronics like computers.

What is GEBE?

GEBE is the name of St. Maarten's national electric and water company.

GEBE stands for N.V. Gemeenschappelijk Elektriciteitsbedrijf Bovenwindse Eilanden

What does N.V. stand for?

Naamloze Vennootschap

خوش آمدید (Farsi: Welcome)

کیا آپ میرئ مدد کر سَکتےہیں؟ (Urdu: Can you help me?)

أنا عطشان (Arabic: I am thirsty)