بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم


American University of the Caribbean

School of Medicine

St. Maarten, Netherlands Antilles

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Telephone and Internet Service

Mobile Phone

Yes, you need a mobile phone.

You will use the mobile phone to call people on St. Maarten.

On St. Maarten, the mobile phone network is GSM standard, so you need a GSM tri-band phone. Not all mobile phone networks in the United States are GSM standard, so check with your provider to see if your existing phone will work on St. Maarten.

Once you have brought your (unlocked) GSM tri-band phone with you to St. Maarten, or purchased one here, you need a SIM card, which can be purchased from one of the mobile phone companies.

You have three choices:

UTS “Chippie” (the most popular choice)


East Caribbean Cellular

International Dialing

If you are in the United States and want to dial a St. Maarten telephone number, including mobile phones, you must first dial the international prefix number, followed by the country code, followed by the telephone number. Let's say you want to telephone Domino's Pizza:

011 is the international prefix number if you are calling from within the United States.

599 is the country code for St. Maarten.

544-5954 is the telephone number of the restaurant.

You should dial 011+599+5445954

If you are on St. Maarten and want to dial a United States telephone number, you must first dial the international prefix number, followed by the country code, followed by the area code, followed by the telephone number. Let's say you want to telephone reservations at Walt Disney World:

00 is the international prefix number if you are calling from St. Maarten (011 will not work).

1 is the country code for the United States.

407 is the area code for Orlando, Florida.

934-7639 is the telephone number of the resort.

You should dial 00+1+407+9347639

Suppose you want to dial a third country. Let's say you want to telephone Nehru Zoological Park in Hyderabad:

91 is the country code for India.

40 is the city code for Hyderabad.

24477355 is the telephone number of the zoo.

From St. Maarten, you would dial 00+91+40+24477355

From the United States, you would dial 011+91+40+24477355

These telephones are for local calls. Do not under any circumstances use these telephones for international calls.

Internet Telephone

Yes, you need an Internet phone.

You will use the Internet phone to call home.

You have two choices:

Skype, where telephone calls to the United States are $0.02 per minute.

Vonage, where telephone calls to the United States are $25.00 per month.

Internet Service

Yes, you need Internet service.

You have three choices:

CaribServe (the most popular choice among AUC students)

NetStar (the most common choice among those living in the AUC dormitories)